Soooo yesterday morning the boyfriend and a couple of his buddies went fishing. They left at 5:30 in the morning and he assured me that he would be back before I got off of work at 5:30. After I got off of work we were supposed to be going to look at the house that he is in the process of buying again for the 100th time and then go to dinner at the new restaurant, Bambu, for a little celebratory dinner.
Well, it rolls around to 5:00 and I still haven't heard from him...which means he is still fishing far enough offshore where he doesn't get cell phone service. POed. His mom calls me at 5:10 and informs me that she just got a phone call from the Coast Guard saying they were broken down 30 miles offshore. Dumb arses. Seatow is headed out to find them and tow them in.
So, I decided happy hour with some girls from work would be a great solution. We headed to the mexican joint and had some margaritas and then went to Bottles and Brushes (http://www.bottlesnbrushes.com) which was soooo much fun. Every month they post a calendar on their website and each night has a different painting. So...you pick a night that you like the painting, grab some friends, drink some wine, and they take you step by step through the painting. Last night we painted an awesome picture of a crab that turned out super cute! The picture above is my painting! Cute, huh?
Well the boyfriend finally arrived back to land around 11:30ish with a cold that I am sure to hear about for the next week.
Oh, and PS...My mom called and said that she hit a deer last night on her way home...well actually she said that it hit her. Right. hehe.
Happy Hump Day! :)
Hey! I live in Charleston too. West Ashley to be exact. I have no idea how I came upon your blog. I found it through someone else's. I love the painting. I am going to look into going there with some girls too. Thanks!